He draws illustrations – but not only on the sheet – he paints them everywhere. On walls, t-shirts, cigarette papers, shoes… He also draws chalk walls for bars, festivals or other events. From time to time, his artworks goes under the skin – he tattoos occasionally.
His name is Dominik Rüegg, but he’s better known as Drü Egg. After completing his apprenticeship as a gardener, he studied 2D animation in Luzern. Since 2013 he has lived and worked in St.Gallen as a freelance Illustrator, animator and artist. His Illustrations originate mostly spontaneously, without previous sketches, and on site. His Inspiration stems from daily impressions of the surroundings where he live and where he travel. The illustrations he produce are a combination of landscapes and characters, drawn from imagery, emotions and impressions.
In 2019 he opened together with two friends a new Atelier and Show-Room for Artists «Haus zur Ameise»!