No matter if you spend only a day or a whole life in St.Gallen – that’s your bucket list.
1. Eat our popular sausage the «Bratwurst» with the special bread called «Bürli».
2. Visit the Abbey Library and Abbey Cathedral.
3. Get lost in the Bermuda Triangle and go crazy for a night (
4. Take the tram from St.Gallen to Appenzell.
5. Stroll through the fourth narrowest street in Switzerland. The «Schmittengässlein» is only 1.21 meters wide.
6. Watch a performance at the Theater St.Gallen or the Tonhalle.
7. Bathing in the oldest indoor swimming pool in Switzerland. The Volksbad (Volksbadstrasse 6) is still open and from 1906.
8. Sit under the over 100-year-old linden tree at the Gallusplatz, drink a coffee and watch the passing people.
9. Drive with the «Mühleggbahn» and enjoy a swum in the «3 Weieren».
10. Drink a beer from the oldest brewery in Switzerland. The brewery Schützengarten exists since 1779. I recommend you the Klosterbräu.