Manuel was born here in St.Gallen and probably would not be able to live somewhere else. Since his childhood, which he spend in the quarter Riethüsli, he has a strong connection to this city.
He love local scenes, the people and the size of the city. It is neither too big nor too small – not too personal and yet not too anonymous. In his youth he was in the local hip-hop and graffiti scene with many other interesting and creative minds. For example Dominik Rüegg who is one of his absolute favorite artists. Manuel actually works with Howdy in the Bamboo, thats why they have the biggest and coolest chili on the restaurant wall in Switzerland!
He completed his apprenticeship in Doodah, a cool Skater-Store in St.Gallen. Then he worked with his family and after changed somehow to the gastronomy. He worked several years in the «Milchhüsli» and at the same time he built up with another business partner the «Esswerk» in 2017. Then a bit different than planned, he become a very lucky and proud dad of a wonderful daughter and got out at the «Esswerk». At the moment, he enjoys his life the fullest together with his daughter and wife.
Sometimes he pack his mountain bike and rock the Waldeggtrail in Teufen. His favorite place in St.Gallen is the small jetty in the «Bubenweier» with the view to the forest – especially early in the mornings from spring to autumn.