361 Grad (mx3.ch/361grad)
Bit-Tuner (bit-tuner.net)
Bright (bright-music.ch)
Bungle Brothers (mx3.ch/bunglebrothers)
Clarksmusic (clarksmusic.ch)
Dachs (dachsmusic.ch)
Fraine (fraine.ch) Indie-Pop
Gakuseii McFly (mx3.ch/gakuseiimcfly)
Hopes & Venom (hopesandvenom.com)
Jas Crew (jas-crw.com)
Kaltehand & Natasha Waters (k-nw.ch)
Kolours (kolou.rs)
Knöppel, Jack Stoiker (knoeppel.ch)
Lalier (lalier.ch)
Locque (mx3.ch/locque)
Manuel Moreno (manuelmoreno.ch)
Manuel Stahlberger (manuelstahlberger.ch)
Monet192 (instagram)
Posh (posh.ch)
Raboose (mx3.ch/rabooseofficial)
Saint City Orchestra (saintcityorchestra.com)
Schufli (youtube)
Silentbass (silentbass.ch)
Skiba Shapiro (skibashapiro.ch)
Subaqua (subaqua on Facebook)
Velvet Two Stripes (velvettwostripes.com)
We are ava (weareava.ch)
We are Vals (wearevals.com)
Worries and other plants (worriesandotherplants.com)
Yes I’m very tired now (yimvtn.com)
You are playing in a band and you are from St.Gallen? Please write me an email if your band should be on this page! Thanks!