This Museum is next to the Museum of Art in the Central Park. With a rich and diverse history, this museums has an exciting story to tell. However, the museum exhibitions don’t stop at the border, there are many collections that include must-see pieces from around the world. It’s is a great mix between history, contemporary issues and culture and the future.
The building was created 1915-1921 after plans of the Winterthurer architects Bridler & Völki. The neoclassical hipped roof has a western façade with a mighty order of columns, which is repeated on the east side. Events take place in the central courtyard, including the absolutely amazing St.Gallen Culture Festival.
The Culture Museum collection includes items dating from prehistory and early history to the 20th century as well as many articles from different cultures of the world. The Historical and Ethnological Museum is the historical «thing memory» of the city of St. Gallen. Today its collections include around 70 000 objects. Here you will delves into the richness of different cultures and meets portraits of famous people. The largest exhibition is the one focusing on the living worlds of the Indians and Inuit (Worlds of North American Peoples).
Every year there are several temporary exhibitions. It is definitely worth visiting. This series of exhibitions and events invites inhabitants and visitors from around the world to discover and celebrate (HVMSG) history and culture…
By the way:
In the museum, when you go up by the stairs, you’ll find the lost piece of the «Kamelerker».
In the central courtyard you will find the original nymphs from the Broder Fountain, as well you can see the «Stone Oriel» and the «Wood Oriel»
Kids Museum St.Gallen
Since 2007, the Culture Museum has been home to a special children’s museum. It’s one of the most popular and most visited places in the museum. There is much to discover and try out for small and big visitors. You can walk a barefoot-path which takes you back about 100 years. Children can play and experience for example, how the toys of their grandparents looked like.
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